4 Reasons to Consider Short Term Rental Management in Columbia, SC

4 Reasons to Consider Short Term Rental Management in Columbia, SC

Visitor spending in Columbia has increased 12% over the previous year. Visitors spent about $4.7 million daily. Are these tourists spending money by staying in your short-term rental?

If not, consider hiring a short-term rental management company. Their services can increase bookings and improve the guest experience.

Not sure if you need short-term rental management? Read on to discover the benefits!

1. Increase Bookings

Choose a short-term rental management company that offers marketing services. They can develop a multifaceted campaign. These strategies include:

  • Video and virtual tours
  • Listing optimization
  • Paid advertising
  • Social media marketing
  • Search engine optimization
  • Email marketing

Using these strategies will expand your reach online. The listing will appear as people plan trips to Columbia.

Your property manager can improve the check-in/check-out process. They can follow up with guests after they leave to request reviews. You can share these reviews using social media or email marketing.

Sharing reviews can help future guests decide on your property. They may be more inclined to book a stay.

2. Improved Communications

As a property owner, it's your responsibility to respond to each guest's needs. If they struggle to reach you, they may grow frustrated. These guests may decide to leave a negative review.

Negative reviews can affect your ability to attract future guests. About 82% of people actively seek out negative reviews. About 50% of people need to see at least a four-star rating to consider a business.

A short-term rental property manager can use a guest portal for improved communications. They can respond to guests promptly and professionally. Remaining available to guests will show them that you care about their needs and guest experience.

Choose a company that relies on state-of-the-art technology. Depending on technology can improve response times and efficiency.

3. A Better Guest Experience

The best property managers know how to create five-star guest experiences. Offering a better guest experience can lead to repeat bookings. Your property manager can:

  • Personalize each guest experience
  • Offer great amenities
  • Ensure property upkeep
  • Plan property cleaning between bookings

Guests will start raving about their stay in your short-term rental. You can encourage them to come back or post positive reviews.

4. Property Upkeep

Maintaining your beautiful short-term rental can make it more appealing to guests. If it's falling apart, they'll look elsewhere.

Your property manager will already have connections with contractors in Columbia. They can request bids to find competitive prices. They'll keep track of maintenance projects to ensure they're completed without delay.

Ongoing property upkeep can help you avoid more expensive repairs. Instead, you can ensure the property is attractive before guests arrive.

Choose Short-Term Rental Management Today

You don't have to manage your Columbia, SC short-term rental alone. Instead, hire a property manager. Short-term rental management can help you make the most of owning a rental property.

PMI Palmetto has 20 years of industry experience helping property owners maximize their earning potential. We use award-winning strategies to ensure each client's success in today's real estate market.

We can take care of your rental with our professional services. Contact us today to meet your property manager.
